Jawabannya adalah bisa. Trik berikut digunakan pada Windows XP dengan level akun Guest maupun User. Syarat utamanya adalah Anda harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu password administrator dari komputer yang digunakan.
- Copas script berikut lalu jalankan melalui Run command
runas /user:ComputerName\AdminName "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /separate"
I used to demote my user account so that it had no admin priveleges and used a "sudo-like" trick where you create a shortcut to IE6 and enabled the "Run with different credentials" option to open a shell window as local admin so I could install and uninstall things, etc.
When I upgraded to IE7 this stopped working - IE7 launches Windows Explorer separately.
I've tried running Windows Explorer with different credentials but this does not work.
Does anyone know how to re-enable this behaviour so that I don't have to run my computer on a daily basis with administrator privileges?
I always use the following command to launch a separate explorer shell on XP/IE7. Looks like /separate switch is undocumented. Haven't seen it much on web, till recently.
Use this syntax in "Target" of an Explorer.exe shortcut:
runas /user:ComputerName\AdminName "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /separate"
Replace ComputerName with computer name, AdminName with Administrator. Remember, all this above goes in the "Target" field of a Shortcut to C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe
Enter the Admin password in the Pop up Command Prompt and you should see the separate explorer shell (running under the administrator account)
In Windows XP, you can run Windows Explorer as any other user, including "Administrator", by following the "Option 2" instructions on Aaron Margosis's blog post entitled RunAs with Explorer: http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/archive/2004/07/07/175488.aspx.
In short:
Log onto the machine as the user that you eventually want to RunAs.
Navigate to the Folder Options control panel, and check the option "Launch folder windows in a separate process".
I use this all the time, and so I have included the following *.cmd script in my new machine build process:
rem Tested on Windows XP only!
reg load "HKU\TempDefaultProfileHive" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\..\Default User\ntuser.dat"
reg add "HKU\TempDefaultProfileHive\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "SeparateProcess" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f"
reg unload "HKU\TempDefaultProfileHive"
This script turns on the "Launch folder windows in a separate process" setting for all new profiles that are created based on the machine's default user profile.